Eva Proudman AIT

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My Hair Story

I suffer from an excessive hair shedding myself following bariatric surgery a decade ago, so I know first-hand how stressful it can be to see handfuls of hair in the shower, in the brush and around the house. That is why I developed Tricoextra, a supplement that really does work, which has been developed with passion and a desire to make it available and affordable to everyone.

There are many different hair supplements on the market. However, many of them, despite a hefty price tag don’t contain all of the ingredients, at the right level, to be effective in treating the hair and scalp. That is why I developed Tricoextra. 


Tricoextra ensures that I can give my patients the very best in supplementation at a very affordable price. To ensure maximum benefits for your hair and scalp I would always recommend a Trichological consultation.

A Trichological consultation will cover every aspect of your hair and scalp health, and will identify all of the underlying causative factors that are causing your particular problem. In some cases, supplementation may only be part of the solution which is why I prefer to see patients before offering them this supplement.

Our hair is our crowning glory, it defines who we are and helps us to look and feel great. But it really needs to be looked after, it’s the second fastest dividing cell in the body, but we don’t need it. Therefore our very clever body always puts it at the bottom of the priority list. Tricoextra provides what the body can’t to maintain your hair and scalp health.

For more information, click here visit the Tricoextra website!

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