Case Studies – UK Hair Consultants
Here, three of Eva’s patients share their stories of how treatment has truly transformed their lives, restoring not only their hair but also their self-esteem, self-confidence and above all, hope.
Jarrow, near Newcastle

When to book an appointment with Eva
If you find yourself feeling concerned about your hair or scalp health, Eva encourages you not to suffer in silence.
Reach out and schedule an appointment to discuss your options.
Trained trichologists possess specialised knowledge in understanding and diagnosing hair and scalp diseases. With their expertise, they can effectively address the underlying causes of these problems and offer tailored treatment plans to improve conditions and enhance overall hair and scalp health.
Carolyn, 54 from Chelmsford
Although Carolyn’s hair did start to grow back, she still had bald patches that would sometimes join up. Carolyn’s hair was also extremely thin and in very bad condition. For many years, this was the constant cycle she found herself in – the alopecia never stopped, her hair would grow back and then fall out in patches, then grow, then fall out, and so the cycle continued.
In 2022 Carolyn tuned in to a dedicated alopecia segment on Instagram with celebrity hairdresser, Michael Douglas, and renowned consultant trichologist, Eva Proudman. Carolyn learnt more about hair loss during this online hair clinic than she had in all of the 12 years previously. It made her realise that research and support had moved forward a lot in that time and she would no longer be told to simply ‘pull herself together’.
Feeling uplifted and inspired, she made an appointment to see Eva. She confirmed Carolyn’s diagnosis of Alopecia Areata, but also diagnosed hair ‘shedding’ (which was confirmed when blood tests showed all of her stored vitamins were much too low to support hair growth). Under Eva’s care and expertise, Carolyn started a programme of mulitvitamins to help manage the shedding. Within months Carolyn’s hair shedding started to significantly slow down and the quality and thickness of her hair was much improved. Carolyn’s hair is now in the best condition and the thickest it has ever been. Carolyn still has patches of alopecia but because her hair density is so much better now the shedding has stopped it is much easier for her to cover and disguise patches.
Last summer (August 2023) Carolyn’s son got married, but it was an occasion she was previously dreading on account of being extremely self-conscious about her hair, especially in photographs. However, thanks to her treatment, Carolyn was able to boast a healthy head of hair for the special day – and is so grateful to Eva for her support and advice.
Jan, 66 – Midlands
Before visiting Eva, at her Portsmouth clinic, Jan had tried everything to help with her condition, trying every product and treatment there was, and in her mind had given up hope.
Eva explained that Jan was suffering with Psoriasis and Telogen Effluvium (excessive hair shredding, leaving hair feeling finer with a loss of density). Eva treated Jan with a scalp treatment ointment, which made a huge difference in how the hair and scalp felt. However, due to Jan’s personal family commitments, regular visits to Eva were no longer possible, so Eva provided Jan with an at-home treatment plan, which was a “life saviour”. Eva also advised Jan on dietary changes and recommended Tricoextra, a complete supplement for the hair, as Jan’s blood tests showed depleted levels of key vitamins and minerals.
Jan was initially sceptical about clearing the Psoriasis on her scalp but was delighted with the result and with the recovery of her hair loss. “My experience with Eva was so positive. I wasn’t expecting a miracle, but I was so grateful to get my condition under control and learn how I can maintain it going forward.”
“While I always try to focus on the solutions and positives, it does get me down sometimes. There would be times when it would be so bad, I would resort to wearing a wig and just try to get on with it. But there’s no denying it really does dictate your life – what you wear, where you go, how you feel about yourself. I dare not wear black at times, you become so self-conscious.”
“During the bad times, it can take weeks for it to become manageable again, which can be very depressing. Then when it does finally clear, the relief and joy! You feel so much better and can’t wait to get out there again.”
Until being evaluated by Eva, Jan would have to undergo regular appointments at the hospital for light treatment to help get the condition under control. Now, thanks to the at-home treatment programme Eva prescribed, Jan only needs to visit the hospital when the Psoriasis becomes unmanageable.
Jan became aware of Eva through an advert for the television show ‘The Hair Loss Clinic’ and thought it sounded interesting and applied. “I felt so relieved when I saw Eva. She was wonderful and explained everything to me. My hair felt so much better. Eva advised me to invest in a steamer with a home treatment kit, to allow me to carry on the treatment at home, which made all the difference.”
Jan understands that Psoriasis is a life-long condition and therefore will experience flare ups but feels at least now she has options. In fact, it was Jan who inspired Eva to make the scalp treatment kit available for at-home use, and since its launch, has helped many patients who use it to manage their scalp Psoriasis and say that it has really changed their lives.
Florence, 57 Jarrow, near Newcastle
“Floss” says;
“Since I can remember, I have always suffered from eczema on my scalp, but never with any hair loss. However, following a ‘corneal transplant’ in 2007, I noticed my hair immediately started to fall out. Just six weeks following the operation, my hair loss was becoming increasingly noticeable and starting to have a real impact on my self-esteem and confidence. From then on, a vicious cycle developed – I went from losing hair in highly visible, large patches, to growing back, to it happening all over again. Most days I didn’t want to leave the house. If I did, I would have to wear a hat, a wig, or a very thick headband. I would panic if I went out on a particularly windy day, through fear more hair would come out, or my headband would blow off. My husband was extremely supportive and would often rush around trying to remove my hair from all over the house, so as not to upset me. In the mornings, for example, he would remove any hair left on my pillowcase from the previous night, before I had chance to see it. I wouldn’t even answer the door or hang the washing out, unless I was wearing a hat or wig.
“I’ve tried a few sessions of ‘Derma Jet’ injections over the last few years but found this extremely painful and I had to give them up during Covid. However, in March 2023, I came across Eva Proudman online, who diagnosed me with Alopecia Areata, Female Pattern and Seborrhoeic Dermatitis.
“I followed a six-month regime, which involved supplements and Minoxidil and I am so pleased with the results. I look and feel like I have a completely different head of hair – even my hairdresser said recently how different and healthy my hair feels. After starting the treatment, I can’t explain it, but it was as if I could actually ‘feel’ the hair coming through again. I have been told the stress from the eye operations – I have undergone several to date – could be the cause of my hair loss. I also had a bad reaction to the anaesthetic. But, I am just so pleased to now have a full head of hair and be able to get some normality back in to my day-to-day life, without the constant fear of waking up with yet more hair loss and patches.”