TikTok has recently been awash with a viral debate around the issue of whether sleeping with wet hair causes ‘hair mould’. Several Influencers have suggested that without air-drying your newly washed hair completely before going to bed, it can lead mould to grow on the scalp. Here we ask Eva whether there is any truth in this recently contested social media issue:
“It is true to say that sleeping with wet hair can increase the chance of a person developing a fungal infection on the scalp.

This is because there is a yeast that lives on the scalp called malassezia, and if the scalp environment becomes too moist with both sebum (oil) and moisture this yeast becomes overactive which in turn can lead to dandruff and seborrhoeic dermatitis.
Dandruff causes loose white flakes that fall easily onto the shoulders and in most cases does not itch, whereas seborrhoeic dermatitis causes the flakes to turn yellow and for them to sit on the scalp and within the hair. This dermatitis is usually itchy and can also cause inflammation; it is the yeast on the scalp that can become overactive usually feeding on excess sebum, and it is the oil sinking into the skin flakes that turns them yellow.
The additional problem of sleeping with wet or damp hair is that it is at its weakest when it’s wet and can therefore be easily broken. So, I always advise people who are showering before going to bed, to go to sleep with dry hair for both scalp and hair health.
Finally, pillows and pillowcases will absorb moisture and become damp from wet hair, which can lead to the fabrics becoming smelly and developing mould too. So, if you do sleep with wet hair, I would change the pillowcase daily and ensure that the pillow cushion itself is dry. Most experts say that a good rule of thumb is to change your pillowcase at least once a week anyway for hygiene purposes. Silk and satin pillowcases are also better for creating less friction and therefore less damage to your hair than cotton pillowcases, but do not necessarily have an impact on the amount of bacteria that can form.
To book a consultation at this or any of Eva’s clinics call us on 01788 819325 (9-5 Monday to Friday) or email us at admin@ukhairconsultants.com
Love, Eva x
Eva has successfully treated numerous men and women suffering from hair loss and is the resident trichologist on “The Hair Loss Clinic”, which can currently be streamed on Discovery Plus.
“I encourage anyone who is concerned about hair loss and alopecia to check out the information here, where I talk through specific variances of alopecia, causes, and potential treatment options.
As always, if you have any general concerns then please do pop me a question here: www.ukhairconsultants.com/ask-about-symptoms-eva-proudman. I’m always here for you and committed to helping people of all ages with hair and scalp health concerns.”
Or get in touch here!